Now is my Soul Troubled?

An unpleasant job: Too often we refuse to do the unpleasant task or one that calls for sacrifice. John 12:23-33 The Greeks were knocking at his door for admission. Sheep of the other folds were ready to come in. The burdens of a lost world were now laid upon Him. The grain of wheat was ready for planting. He was about to lose his life for others. I: “Now is my soul troubled?” 1. A troubled heart is a troubled prayer. 2. Troubled because of the sins of others. 3. The death of the cross and separation from the father were too much for him. 4. The trouble was crushing his heart. 5. He was walking with: Abraham to Mt. Moriah, sitting with Job on an ash heap. David as he cried Absolem, O Absolem; with Jeremiah as he watched a Nation commit suicide. Elijah...

The Undecided

Kings 1 18:17-24 Our world is in a state of indecision. Christianity limps thru the spiritual marked shopping, but never giving a verdict. Even when the sentence is passed, the penalty is nonely carried out. I: “How long halt we between his options?” verse 21. 1. Elijah faced three kings of people; those sold out to God (very few) the servants of God (many) and a multitude of undecided. 2. Elijah addressed himself to the undecided. 3. The undecided were crippled! 4. They were trying to stay on the good side of Baal and God. 5. The undecided looked back more than forward.They have put their hands in the plow but are plowing a crooked row! 6. To them, religion was a matter of opinion, not conviction. 7. We chance our opinions, but our convictions change...

The Lamb of God

Genesis 22: 1-14, Exodus 12:1-13, Peter 1:18-20 & John 1:2 I: “Without shedding of blood…” Hebrews 9:22. 1. Cain refused this way of cleaning. 2. Many human sacrifices were made to heathen gods. 3. The strange tie of blood and sacrifice in every tribe and nation. II: The Lamb that took Issac’s place. Genesis 12:1-13. 1. “Take now thine only son.” verse 2. 2. “Whom thou lovest.” verse 2. 3. “Offer him.” No greater test. 4. “Abraham rose up early.” 5. “I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you.” Faith in God’s love and care. 6. “My son, God will provide himself a lamb.” verse 8. III: The Passover Lamb Exodus 12:1-13. 1. “This month...

Cheap Religion

Samuel 2 24:18-25 Bargain hunters find no bargains at Gods County. Here be found everything at his command, without coat or much effort, but he refused. Judas – Ananias and Saphari – The rich ruler! I: David was a man after God’s own heart. 1. David was quick to recognize his own sins. 2. He refused to offer that which cost him nothing. 3. He was not willing to enjoy the blessing of God while others paid the price. 4. David was not seeking the blessing without the responsibilities. 5. He was not wiling to set back and leave the financial and spiritual burdens to others. 6. He realized the central truth, “You get what you pay for.” II: Saul’s religion was cheap enough to show disrespect and disobedience. 1. He intruded into the...

Divided Allegiance

Matthew 6:19-34, Timothy 1 6:5-11 The Kingdom is in operation now – The King will come again. Divided allegiance is a curse to any life or any people. A life would have a definite goal or it will wander aimlessly. I: “Take Heed” Jesus Warned of Covertness. 1. Paul warned about supposing that material possession was a sign of godliness. 2. “Withdrew” from people that live by this code of life. 3. Real riches is godliness with contentment. 4. Discontment robs one of the real joys of life. 5. All of the Earth’s perishables slip from the lifeless hand of death. 6. We take no more materials out of life than we arrived with. We paint with nothing. II: “Life consists not in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke...