The Call of A Suffering World

Luke 10:25-37 Crown Him Lord of service.

Christianity is new life from God and it is this new life that goes out to the broken and suffering world. In this story we see the outreach of a saved man’s soul. Here is the way to test our Missionary convictions and call. We have a two fold call.

I: The call to see, to understand the condition of a needy, broken, and suffering world.

1. Here a man lies broken, bleeding, and dying.
2. His real condition is…
a. A victim of greed and gain. Serves a wake of misery. Here we see the three master passions of mankind.
i. An unholy greed for gain: bandit.
ii. Cold-blooded desire to satisfy one’s own comfort a Samaritan.
a pleasure. Priest and Levite
iii. A God-like desire to help others in need — the good
b. The victim of wrong regard for a fellowman.
i. The bandit regarded the man as a Prey to spoil and plunder. Hollywood:s sell of human lives.
ii. Priest and Levite — an “annoyance.” (vexed them)
iii. The Samaritan regarded him as a brother and an opportunity.
c. The victim of self-centered religion.
i. The Priest was purely professional.
ii. The Levite was willing to know the injury, but unwilling to offer help.
iii. The Samaritan used practical Christianity.

Sherman Roger Tony – Foggery Champ of Idaho “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

II: The Call to Do Three Great Ideas of Stewardship:

1. The bandit’s idea “What’s yours is mine, if I can take it away from you.”
2. The Priest and Levite idea: “What’s mine is mnine and I don’t have to share it with anyone.”
3. The Samaritan’s idea: “What is mine belongs to God and I’m but a steward.”

III: Whatsoever thou spendest more.” verse 35. “The 2nd milk.”

1. Here is the second milk.
2. The second Roman mile was not required (every Jewish day).
3. The great doctor and “three knots” may clink.

Perris Valley: February 23, 1964 & October 31, 1965
Dos Palo Emmanuel:
October 25, 1970