Altars of God’s People

Gen. 8:20-22, 15:1-20, and Malachi 1:6-14
Altar means a place where sacrifices are offered.

I: God’s people erected altars wherever they went. Noah erected an altar immediately after the flood. Abraham erected an altar as soon as he reached Canaan.

1. God’s people erected altars and sacrificed wherever they were.
2. Elijah erected the broken altar when he called fire from heaven.
3. Solomon made many sacrifices upon the altar of the great temple. Chron. 2 7:1-7
4. The New Testament Christians continued a spiritual altar where prayer and supplication were made.
America could never have been blessed with the family altars of our forefathers.

II: God’s blessings have been withdrawn when the altar had been abused.
1. Saul the 1st king of Israel made light of the altar.
2. Malachia speaks of the degraded way Israel treated the altar of God.
3. Jeremiah tells how the children remembered the poluted altars. Jeremiah 17:2.

III: We also have an Altar. Hebrews 13:10-16
1. We have an altar that the world has no right to approach.
2. There is reproach to bear at this altar.
3. The sacrifices of this altar are: praise, giving thanks, do good, forget not to share.
4. An altar in the home with these sacrifices offered upon it will make our homes better, our churches stronger, and America more Christian.

William G. Bryans “America’s 1st home.”